Monday, February 1, 2016

Lvl 7: Research Experience

          At first, I had no idea how to find a secondary source. A few searches on Google Scholar led me to nothing, and I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to find a source before I had to turn in my rough draft. Luckily for me, right before I was ready to turn on my "panic mode", I remembered I was able to go to one of the library training sessions. The librarian Matt Roberts was super helpful, and he had a very laid back and humorous way of teaching that made the library training very smooth and entertaining. I learned a lot from it that helped me be more familiarized with the different types of electronic databases and other sources that we could use online to find the secondary source that could be of use to us. Because I think I chose a topic that is fairly common, or at least it seemed to be of interest to many other people, I easily found a bunch of secondary sources that fit my topic, and everything else went smoothly from there on. I am definitely grateful that I had the chance to go to the library training because without that I would probably still be lost to this day. I vaguely recall attending one of his extra credit seminars before, but at that time I was in a big lecture hall and I guess I couldn't focus on what he was saying. But this time around because we were in the small room I was able to focus on what he was trying to tell us and that definitely was a lot better than the seminar I went to before. At first I wasn't entirely sure how to integrate the secondary source into my image analysis, however after listening to Dr. Jensen talk in discussion the other day I learned that I was supposed to use it as a sort of magnifying glass or a pair of lenses to see what the images are trying to tell us in that context. I definitely wished that I could have put more time in to my rough draft, because it was too short for Dr. Jensen to give feedback on. Next time I have a chance to write something like this again I will definitely try to clear up my schedule beforehand, and then spend more time on my rough draft. 

Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to Matt Roberts, he was really helpful :)

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